TEST / Philips Sonicare Protective Clean 4300
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How the Price table works
Price offers are listed in ascending order. Displayed prices include tax and VAT. Delivery prices are displayed is the merchant less expensive price. In those Price tables we reference of merchant that want to be showned only if they include tax and VAT and present a high satisfaction & quality. This referencing is charged. Our price tables are because of that non exhaustive and therefore do not reflect all offers and merchants on the market. Offers are updated everyday.
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Ex turba vero imae sortis et paupertinae in tabernis aliqui pernoctant
vinariis, non nulli velariis umbraculorum theatralium latent, quae
Campanam imitatus lasciviam Catulus in aedilitate sua suspendit omnium
primus; aut pugnaciter aleis certant turpi sono fragosis naribus
introrsum reducto spiritu concrepantes; aut quod est studiorum omnium
maximum ab ortu lucis ad vesperam sole fatiscunt vel pluviis, per
minutias aurigarum equorumque praecipua vel delicta scrutantes.