TEST / Jura Ena 8
How the Price table works
Price offers are listed in ascending order. Displayed prices include tax and VAT. Delivery prices are displayed is the merchant less expensive price. In those Price tables we reference of merchant that want to be showned only if they include tax and VAT and present a high satisfaction & quality. This referencing is charged. Our price tables are because of that non exhaustive and therefore do not reflect all offers and merchants on the market. Offers are updated everyday.
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Apud has gentes, quarum exordiens initium ab Assyriis ad Nili cataractas
porrigitur et confinia Blemmyarum, omnes pari sorte sunt bellatores
seminudi coloratis sagulis pube tenus amicti, equorum adiumento
pernicium graciliumque camelorum per diversa se raptantes, in
tranquillis vel turbidis rebus: nec eorum quisquam aliquando stivam
adprehendit vel arborem colit aut arva subigendo quaeritat victum, sed
errant semper per spatia longe lateque distenta sine lare sine sedibus
fixis aut legibus: nec idem perferunt diutius caelum aut tractus unius
soli illis umquam placet.