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How the Price table works
Price offers are listed in ascending order. Displayed prices include tax and VAT. Delivery prices are displayed is the merchant less expensive price. In those Price tables we reference of merchant that want to be showned only if they include tax and VAT and present a high satisfaction & quality. This referencing is charged. Our price tables are because of that non exhaustive and therefore do not reflect all offers and merchants on the market. Offers are updated everyday.
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Haec ubi latius fama vulgasset missaeque relationes adsiduae Gallum Caesarem permovissent, quoniam magister equitum longius ea tempestate distinebatur, iussus comes orientis Nebridius contractis undique militaribus copiis ad eximendam periculo civitatem amplam et oportunam studio properabat ingenti, quo cognito abscessere latrones nulla re amplius memorabili gesta, dispersique ut solent avia montium petiere celsorum.
Haec ubi latius fama vulgasset missaeque relationes adsiduae Gallum
Caesarem permovissent, quoniam magister equitum longius ea tempestate
distinebatur, iussus comes orientis Nebridius contractis undique
militaribus copiis ad eximendam periculo civitatem amplam et oportunam
studio properabat ingenti, quo cognito abscessere latrones nulla re
amplius memorabili gesta, dispersique ut solent avia montium petiere